Sunday, March 30

Korean Dinner Wrap-Up

Last night 13 people came over to my apartment for dinner. I had been gifted some kimchee which was good and spicy - so spicy it made me sweat - and I made some roast pork. We had cucumber salad, green onion pancakes (my favorite!), an Indonesian potato salad, humus and pita (this was earlier before dinner), someone made me a chocolate cake (my birthday is pretty soon), carrot salad, mangos, seasoned spicy spinach. It was great. Then after dinner when there were just 7 of us, we played SET. I tried not to dominate too much, but I'm still looking for a challenger in that game. Anyone?


Mickey said...

SET? Not familiar.

Nate said...

Have we played that? I usually dominate that game. We'll have to go head to head.