Wednesday, September 10

Where's She Been?

Let me 'splain. No, that'd take too long, let me sum up.

Since my hair cut, I:
  • took 4 people out to the Gorbushka Rynok to buy tasty smoked meats
  • went and picked up my newly framed art
  • got incredibly sick - another sinus infection and it was only September 1st!
  • went to a birthday party
  • went to Stockholm for a math conference
  • ate a lot of INCREDIBLE food
  • returned Sunday night at 10:30 pm - realized I'd left behind dirty dishes from being so sick before I left
  • cleaned frantically so my apartment no longer smelled disgusting
  • had a pedicure by two Russian women who came to our apartments for $32!
  • got my new camera!!
  • went out to dinner with friends
  • hosted a Grade 11 assembly
  • organized my Thai Challenge group so we'd have a bake sale Friday (for which I agreed to make banana bread) and a movie night next Friday
  • am organizing travel plans for the 3 friends arriving Friday
  • will meet with a potential new house cleaner tomorrow after mine suddenly quit - after I'd paid her for the summer and August even though she only cleaned twice in that period.
  • updated this blog for the first and probably only time in September


Mickey said...

"First and probably only time in September"?!

Bullshit, I say!

bobsterix said...

No time!? No time at all? Aaaww... Not even to write an email to those who are dying to hear from you..?