Tuesday, January 22

Discovery Week

In March, we'll take the 9th, 10th and 11th graders off on a "Discovery Week." There are a variety of different trips, led by many teachers. For example: golfing in Spain, Spanish immersion (you guessed it) also in Spain, college tour in the UK, trekking through Turkey, exploring Istanbul, a musical tour of Vienna, study/community service in Thailand, adventure in Croatia, etc. Teachers who were not leading trips had to rank their choices of places they'd like to chaperon just like the students had to rank their choices as well. However, the students have to pay, teachers don't. Well, my choices were 1. Thailand, 2. Croatia, 3. Turkey (the trekking one). I found out today I got my first choice! Durian here I come! Woo hoo!

And I'll get an idea of the weather in Thailand in March. In my head I'd like to move to Thailand because I love the food so much, but could I really handle the weather???


Mickey said...

You are just all over the map! Moscow to Thailand? Really?

Thailand sounds like a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

aggie94 said...

Wow, have a great trip! We are SO excited to get to Thailand in September. :)

elf said...

But do they play ultimate in Thailand?