Mmmm, a bit like a greeting card, but not in the way that triggers my gag reflex.
My only thought: it looks like you lightened pic 2 before you colored the rose; I personally prefer the first photo and would be curious to see how that one looked colored in. Lightened, I think pic 2 looks a bit washed out and *almost* makes the rose stand out too much.
Mmmm, a bit like a greeting card, but not in the way that triggers my gag reflex.
My only thought: it looks like you lightened pic 2 before you colored the rose; I personally prefer the first photo and would be curious to see how that one looked colored in. Lightened, I think pic 2 looks a bit washed out and *almost* makes the rose stand out too much.
But I'd still buy that greeting card. :)
Pretty neat.
I don't think the second pic is washed out. It's very slightly lighter, but that improves the contrast. Or something.
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